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Survival of Freedom

Survival of Freedom

More and more it has become globally apparent that the world is in turmoil. The video I posted happens to be just one case of American rights being stripped from us and it keeps being swept under the rug. We are heading to war and America has become too apathetic to root themselves and start pushing back. We are allowing ourselves to be consumed by Big Brother and paying to do so.

Take the Xbox Kinect. It seems harmless. It seems to be a fun new way to play video games and connect to your games and movies in a new way. It seems harmless.

We forget to take into account that it is a camera that turns on automatically, listens to your voice, and watches everything you do. Right now the Xbox community has a choice, but here in the next few months, that choice is being taken away. Once the Microsoft XboxOne gets released, it will automatically come with the system and is MANDATORY to use the system.

If that isn’t a direct step towards BIg Brother then what would be?


When will all TV’s, and all aspects of our lives be monitored. When will we no longer be allowed to think for ourselves in fear of the Thought Police. When will be be so afraid to express ourselves we will be nothing more than a slaves to our governments.

You don’t think you are constantly being watched?

http://rt.com/usa/obama-surveillance-nsa-monitoring-385/The 4th Of July DUI Checkpoint Video

You don’t think thought crimes exist? Let’s jump to Paula Dean. This woman made a life for herself cooking. That is how we all know her… well now we know her has the woman who said nigger 30 years ago. That would put the year around 1983. Do we really need to crucify this woman after so many years? Why? what would it prove?

We blame everything other than ourselves. We tell each other that guns kill people but its mad bombers who blow buildings up. We preach tolerance but criticize labels we place on each other and ourselves. “I’m a Christian”, “I’m a Hipster”, “I am a college Graduate”, then we proceed to stomp on each other saying “Well I just don’t understand it so I will just stay away.”

All these labels and all these fingers being pointed at our fellow man blinds us to the truth. Our rights have been stripped one by one and just like a frog in a boiling pot, the governing powers have turned up the heat; oppressing us and holding us down until we want to fight back only to be told we are “violent’ or “have anger issues” The problem is not being violent or being angry; anger is natural. The problem becomes a problem when we strike out at our fellow man and not focusing ourselves on the source.

We are being led by the nose through cinema and video games, training us to be soldiers for a war the upper echelons of the government have been planning for years. The Matrix, a movie about a man waking from a slumber he thought was reality only to find a hellish nightmare, happens to be the earliest account I can remember of a plan set in motion. It seems far fetched but the main point of the new aspiring generation was “Wake up and Fight”

Red Dawn happens to be another perfect example what things to come. In the 1984 version of the movie Cuba and the Soviet Union invade America.I bring this  In the 2012 version, North Korea Invades. People tend to think what they see. With a running time of 93 minutes, the audience is bombarded with Protect America and hate North Korea. I thought we were fighting Arabs. Why the sudden change? Well, maybe because the world is gearing up for a very big war.

If that still doesn’t support my point, What about the movie blatantly called “White House Down”? The movie’s entire plot revolves around the White House being attacked. FOr those who do not watch TV, nor do they really still connected with cinema I am providing Trailer links.


For those STILL skeptical I bring up the movie GI JOE Retaliation. In this new blockbuster the American government is taken over by the infamous Cobra Clan set up by an imposter president. It is then up to the, now rouge, GI Joe forces to take them down. In the trailer it shows the White House under a new regime.


Now I understand that for any of you who read this, many of you will label me “crazy” or a “conspiracy theorist”. I understand that being told things like this can come off crazy but when the evidence is slapping you in the face…


What do you do?

The really sick thing about America these days isn’t that the government is taking our rights away, setting us up to fail, and anyone who stands up to finally say “This is wrong” becomes a target, gets beaten down, defamed for their past, and thrown into prison. This is the way of the world.